As part of the 2019 Libya Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and on behalf of the
Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the Emergency Telecommunications Sector
(ETS) will implement a Common Feedback Mechanism (CFM) in connection with
delivery and impact of humanitarian assistance programs in Tripoli, Libya.

As part of the 2019 Libya Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and on behalf of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the Emergency Telecommunications Sector (ETS) will implement a Common Feedback Mechanism (CFM) in connection with delivery and impact of humanitarian assistance programs in Tripoli, Libya. The CFM will be in the form of a toll-free, country-wide number that affected populations can call to obtain information on humanitarian assistance programs; submit their feedback and get referrals to the humanitarian organizations that are best-suited to handle their issue(s).

The CFM will enable the humanitarian community to collect feedback directly from the affected populations; better understand the needs on the ground, and take better-informed programming decisions.
In emergencies where a Cluster Approach or Sector is activated, best practice recommends using a single phone number as an entry point for queries from affected populations, and a coordinated mechanism to later channel these queries to individual mandated organizations. This single number within the international humanitarian architecture allows members of the affected population easier access to answers, speeds up the resolution of issues and allows greater access for NGOs to government and UN decision-makers, thereby improving aid delivery efficiency.